Register as a patient

You can register yourself as a patient at Thuisdok if you are digitally skilled, live in Breda, and are looking for a fixed general practitioner practice.

You will, of course, receive the same excellent general practitioner care, but organized and delivered differently (digitally at your home) and if necessary, at a general practitioner practice nearby.  Register right away!

How to register?

Please fill in the registration form completely. complies with the GDPR and handles your (medical) data with the utmost care.

Your registration is approved when it has been confirmed to you by telephone or email.

Register and then?

If you are registered with Thuisdok, we will request your file from your old GP. One of the GPs at Thuisdok will go through the file and contact you for an (online) introductory meeting.


If you live with someone who is already registered with us, please write down name and date of birth.

Do you take any medications?

Do you agree to register with the Landelijk Schakelpunt (LSP) to view your file at our GP post (for information, see

Do you agree with registering with our patient portal, for managing your data, making appointments, repeating medication or contacting the general practitioner?

Do you agree to request your medical record from your previous GP?