The digital practice of Thuisdok

Thuisdok is a joint initiative and practice of Huisartsen Zorggroep Breda to provide everyone with a fixed general practitioner practice.

What can be done quickly and online, we arrange responsibly digitally, together with you. We use for this purpose, so that the initial medical information is securely collected. If a physical examination or appointment is needed, we arrange for you to quickly be seen at one of the affiliated general practitioner practices in or around Breda listed at the bottom of this page.

Always available

Opening hours of are daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We aim to answer all your questions within 1 working day.


All data you leave here will be processed securely and only if and to the extent necessary. complies with the GDPR.

Quick insight uses reliable and recognized resources such as, and

Emergencies in evening and weekend

For evening, night and weekend emergencies and questions that cannot wait, please contact Huisartsenpost Breda.

Participating practices


E. Lion

doctor's assistant

K. van Gool


F. van Nispen

Nurse Practitioner

N. Baban

General practitioner

J.H.J. Kamphoven

General practitioner

M. Koonings

General Practitioner, Practice Koonings

Z. Hamidi

General Practitioner, Practice Haagse Beemden

M. Stevens

General Practitioner, Practice Tolakker

S. Huijben

I. Schrauwen

L. Hartholt

M. Muskee

General Practitioner, Practice Belcrum

D. Huson
